Shoulder Pain

“I originally went to Essential Acupuncture on the recommendation of a colleague who has been receiving Acupuncture for back pain and getting good results. 

For about two months I'd been having severe pain in my right shoulder, pain I associate with arthritis.  I was taking Ibuprofen every 8 hours to keep the pain tolerable and had a couple of days where I couldn't lift my arm up enough to get my cloths off and my Husband had to help. 

So far I have had 3 acupuncture treatments for the right shoulder pain.  The pain is 95% gone, and I am no longer requiring Ibuprofen.  The acupuncture has helped immensely, I only wish I had made my first appointment sooner.”

-Katie K. Of Summer WA


Frozen Shoulder | Arm Pain


Neck Pain | Shoulder Pain